
Define actionable items on your website

Action API


We will find the best moment of their execution

ActionTray App


  • Optimised execution plan powered by AI
  • Automatically resloved inavailable timeslots conflicts
  • Possibility to mix actionable items from different domains
  • 24h/7d automatic rearrangement of items in plan when new actions occur on domains
  • Less time spent on laborious attempts of finding optimal plan and rearranging it
  • Setting only requirements for actions while delegating the whole planning to AI

App that impresses Bill Gates

"(...) the idea we took is the scheduling our school, very complex kind of software problem. When the school asked me to do it, I said I didn't know how. It took me year to figure it out."

Bill Gates at his interview.


Your calendar before:

Action API


Your calendar after:

ActionTray App